Monday, 2 July 2012
- Tonight’s WWE RAW Supershow opens up with the normal intro video. We get a video package with highlights of John Cena vs. Chris Jericho and Big Show’s interference from last week’s show.

- We’re live from Laredo, Texas as Michael Cole welcomes us to episode 997 of RAW. They hype tonight’s General Manager Teddy Long and his main event – CM Punk and John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan and Chris Jericho. The Money in the Bank briefcase hangs above the ring as John Cena’s music hits and out he comes.
Cena talks about last week. He says he thanked Jericho and thanked Big Show. Cena says Jericho was right about him needing to prepare for Money in the Bank. Jericho was right about anything happening in the match. Cena says he got a crash course education in that when Big Show attacked. Cena says he now knows what exactly will happen at Money in the Bank – he needs to be prepared for anything. Cena says two things will happen at MITB – Big Show will lose at Money in the Bank and he will grab the contract, cash in the contract and become the next WWE Champion. Daniel Bryan comes out interrupting and he’s chanting “YES!” the whole way to the ring.

Bryan says he didn’t even realize Cena was out there. Bryan says Cena is irrelevant to him. Bryan says he is going to defeat CM Punk at Money in the Bank and become the new WWE Champion. Bryan says if Cena manages to get the briefcase, then his relevance will be as the first Superstar to ever cash in his contract and lose. Cena says he can think of one person who disagrees with Cena. CM Punk appears and heads to the ring. Punk says a lot more than one person disagrees with Bryan and he gets the fans to chant.
Punk dances around the ring chanting yes. Bryan begs for one person to have an original thought and not steal his. Punk brings up AJ Lee being the special referee for their Money in the Bank WWE Title match. Punk says Bryan’s ex is going to count his shoulders to the mat. Punk says if Cena wins Money in the Bank, it comes down to just them…

Chris Jericho’s music interrupts and out he comes. Jericho comes out and says Punk is still a wannabe. Jericho mocks Punk for copying his ideas and Punk calls him Bon Jovi. Jericho and Bryan have words. Jericho cuts him off with abig “shut the hell up.” He welcomes us all to RAW is Jericho. Jericho says nobody in the ring will ever, ever be the same again, after tonight. Jericho says he invented Money in the Bank so he’s going to win it. Jericho is interrupted by Kane and out he comes.

Kane comes out and grabs Jericho’s mic. He’s interrupted by Big Show’s music and now here he comes to the ring. Cena readies for a fight but is attacked from behind by Bryan. Jericho and Kane go at it while Punk drops Bryan with a kick. Punk goes down and Kane takes Jericho down in the corner. Show comes in and goes at it with Cena. Show grabs for a chokeslam but Kane makes the save. Show fights Kane off and headbutts him. Everyone is laid out except Big Show. Show leaves everyone laying and walks up the ramp. We go to commercial.

*Cody Rhodes, David Otunga, Titus O’Neil and Darren Young vs. Christian, Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston

Otunga meets Clay onthe floor. Clay rolls him back in the ring. Otunga turns around to the Cobra from Santino for the win.
Winners: Christian, Santino Marella, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston
- After the match, Christian lays out Otunga with Killswitch. Clay gets his revenge on Otunga and nails a big splash. Naomi, Cameron and some kids come in the ring to dance with everyone else as we go to replays.

- Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez walk up on Teddy Long backstage. Del Rio talks about the World Heavyweight Title shot he earned months ago after WrestleMania. Teddy says Del Rio doesn’t deserve anything in his opinion but the Board of Directors have named him the #1 contender. He will face Sheamus at Money in the Bank. Teddy says that was their decision but he has other plans for tonight. Del Rio is in a match and it’s up next. We go to commercial.

*Alberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara

The bell hasn’t rang yet as Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker. Cara taps out on the floor but Del Rio won’t break the hold. Officials try to break the hold but Del Rio finally lets go. The crowd chants something in Spanish at Del Rio as officials tend to Cara.

- AJ is backstage when Daniel Bryan walks up. He confesses that he’s always cared about her. Bryan says he was just frustrated with himself for messing things up and he didn’t know how to react. Bryan says he’s sorry and hands her a rose. AJ says she’s sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she’s special referee. She says Bryan doesn’t care about her and never has. AJ says she can’t wait to win her match tonight and then run into the arms of the man who everyone sees as her soul mate. She bites off the rose and spits it out before walking off. Crazy chick?

- Paul Heyman is shown preparing to speak live via satellite. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see footage of Triple H laying out Paul Heyman at No Way Out. We go live via satellite to Paul Heyman. Heyman announces that Lesnar has made a decision regarding Triple H’s SummerSlam challenge. Heyman says Lesnar will deliver it straight to Triple H’s face at the 1,000th RAW. Heyman goes on and says if Lesnar accepts, he will end Triple H’s in-ring career. Heyman says if Lesnar accepts, it won’t be a match – it will be a mercy killing.

- Just announced for tonight – Kane vs. Big Show in a No DQ match. Also, Sheamus and AJ Lee vs. Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero. Back to commercial.

*Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler vs. AJ Lee and Sheamus

Sheamus is forced to tag in AJ but first he knocks Ziggler out of the ring with a Brogue Kick. AJ comes in and kicks Vickie before hitting her with Shining Wizard for the win.
Winners: AJ Lee and Sheamus
- After the match, AJ runs around chanting “yes” and runs right up the ramp to the back. We get replays and then go backstage to AJ. She’s looking for CM Punk and walks up on him on the phone. Hetells her to hang on and she gets mad for a second. Punk hangs up and says he was on the phone with his sister. She asks if he saw the match. He says no because he was on the phone and didn’t know she had a match. She’s now upset that he wasn’t paying attention to her. AJ walks off upset and Punk shrugs his shoulders.

Heath Slater is in the ring. We see a video of his recent run-ins with WWE Legend. Slater says that’s not funny and he’s not a clown. Out comes WWE Legend (?) Doink the Clown.

*Heath Slater vs. Doink the Clown

The bell rings and they lock up. Doink smacks Slater and he gets mad. Slater turns it around and beats Doink down. They go back and forth until Slater hits his big neckbreaker for the win out of nowhere.
Winner: Heath Slater
- After the match, the music hits and out comes Diamond Dallas Page! DDP gets a big pop and does the “BANG!” The fans chant his name as Slater mocks him. DDP pulls Slater in for a hug but lays him out with a big Diamond Cutter. DDP slaps hands with the fans and leaves to another pop.

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